Musical empowerment project
The village has a music center that provides a variety of programs for the village's pupils to participate in, from the morning hours to the afternoon.
The music, the sound and the creation form a holistic framework that connects all parts of the day. The pupil can create, express, learn, experience and share his successes and experiences, while processing the experiences through the therapeutic branch in the village. The music center operates throughout the week, in the morning and in the afternoon, and run by two music teachers in cooperation with the school staff, the staff of the boarding school and the therapeutic staff.
The Center strives to provide the youth with high levels of writing skills and musical skills, including:
A track of harmony studies and the foundations of music - this is a unique process, which gives the pupils the right to choose whether they want to do it individually or in a group with a number of additional pupils. This choice has many considerations that our teaching staff also invests much thought into.
Establishing musical ensembles as part of the creative process - including creating and writing a song - one of the things we place great emphasis on is the social aspect that is integral to the process, creating and setting up the ensemble is not a simple thing, but at the same time it has many advantages; our pupils learn to know each other, listen to the story of one another, realize they are not alone, and communicate with another member to pave the way for joint success.
Encouraging personal creativity - promoting a song project (record) created by the pupils in the village.
The center is based on multi-culturalism and carries out artistic activity and creativity, which is expressed, among other things, in open microphone evenings, performances, an evening of exposing the musical project to which all the villagers, the parents of the pupils and social workers from the pupil communities are invited.