Journalism course Guided by David Nachal
During April 2018, a workshop was established in the village for journalistic writing. The workshop was attended by five boys and two girls from grades 9 and 11. The group met once a week with David Nachal, a teacher of journalism and media from the Eshel Hanasi youth village, who has been involved in the media field for more than 20 years. During the sessions, the pupils learned to write and formulate questions for the interview, how to prepare for an interview and conduct actual interviews. In addition, the workshop invited social and current discussions with the pupils. As part of the workshop, the "Young Journalists" met with Shahar Rubinstein, the village manager, for an interview about what was happening and will happen in the village, and about his feelings as the village manager. Two girls went to the Knesset for an interview with Member of the Knesset Meir Cohen, which served as the minister of Welfare and now serves as Deputy Chairman of the Knesset.